Tuesday, March 21, 2017

We're baaaaack and Collaboration Abounds!!

Collaboration was a major focus for us today in our development of the 6Cs.  Students had several opportunities to further hone their collaboration skills through class activities in small groups and partner work.

We also began the day with Content exploration through our Jumpstart by taking a closer look at common Greek and Latin Prefixes and clues.  Give it a try to see if you can outsmart our "SPARK" thinkers.

Mindset Moment
For our mindset moment, we referred back to our discussion of "The Dip" and looked at reflecting on mistakes as a helpful strategies for moving forward.  Students then submitted their ideas for activities we could do in class to help us practice overcoming the dip.

Medieval Times PBL
We made progress on our medieval times projects by wrapping up the fair or festival invitations we began last week as we studied castle life and celebrations.    Students created amazing invitations. We will work to make them more authentic with tea-stained paper next week.

This week we also began to look at the popular topics of knights, armor, and weapons.  Students are collaborating on a Google Slides Presentation by working in small groups to create a way to share the most important information from their highlighted chapter.  

Students also had the chance to collaborate with partners to create a replica of the popular medieval weapon catapult.  Check out their work and excitement below.:)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your blog with me. It is very easy to follow and the pictures of the students are always a wonderful addition.
