Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Persistence Puzzles, Capacity Conversions, and Meaningful Monologues

Jumpstart:  Content and Vocabulary Building

Today's Jumpstart cycled back to studying more Greek and Latin Roots as a tool for decoding and extending vocabulary.  Students considered the following roots and clues to make deeper vocabulary connections.  Give them a try!


Pentomino Persistence Puzzles:  Confidence Building, Critical Thinking, and Growth Mindset

We wrapped up our series on "The Dip" and having a reflecting attitude.  We also worked through a persistence activity with critical thinking pentomino puzzles.  Students were asked to create a 6 in. x 10 in. rectangle using all of their pentomino puzzle pieces.  Several configurations were possible. 

Tajaye shares her persistence reflection.:)

Capacity Conversions:  Content, Critical Thinking, & Collaboration

In math we viewed this video to serve as an animated resource for our customary capacity conversions. Students then worked in groups on our "Party Time" challenge problem.  With the prompt of serving two cups of lemonade to each of their 36 guests, they came up with as many ways as possible to create the 72 cups needed with different combinations of capacity units. We didn't get to test our "cup combinations" today, but we will pick up with the experimental portion of our lesson during our next class.

Meaningful Monologues:  Content, Creativity, & Communication
Monologues was the theme of the day for our ELA content.  Students continued with their Reader's Theater experience and focused on solo performances using expression to highlight the feelings of their character.  Students will perform their selected monologue during our next class.  A monologue from the perspective of a medieval character will also be one of their choices when creating their own scripts for our project.

Medieval Times Project:  Content and Creative Innovation
Students continued to complete their Coat of Arms from last week.  Many moved ahead to their choice innovation of creating a Medieval Advertisement for Weaponry (Hear Ye! Hear Ye!) or a Minstrel Song for a Knighthood Ceremony.  Creativity at its finest!